How to Switch From a Full Leg to a Half Leg Cast
Follow the instructions of your doctor carefully after being placed in a full-leg cast. Use crutches or another walking assistive device to prevent weight bearing and promote healing.
Elevate your leg -- using pillows -- above heart level. Elevate your leg as much as possible, to prevent swelling. This is especially important in the early stages of your recovery.
Keep your cast clean and dry. Water and dirt will damage to your cast, which can prevent your cast from adequately protecting your injured leg.
Attend your follow-up appointment with your doctor. At your appointment, your doctor will likely have your cast removed and x-ray your injury, to check on the healing process. At this time, your doctor will make a decision about the next step in your care. You may return to wearing a full leg cast, you may be placed in a short leg cast, you may be provided with a splint or you may be free to go without.
Follow your doctor's instructions. If placed in a short leg cast, weight bear as instructed and keep your cast clean. This can help to further promote your healing.