Directions for How to Splint an Elbow
Things You'll Need
- Stiff or straight object
- Rope, belt or ripped fabric
Locate an item that can work to immobilize your elbow. Items such as a rolled-up magazine or rolled-up notebooks can work. Anything that is stiff will do.
Locate an item that can work to tie the stiff item to the arm, such as a tie, scarf or a ripped up dish towel or T-shirt.
Position the splint, so the elbow cannot bend. Place the hard object so that it extends from an area above the suspected fracture, to an area below it. Splint all of the fractured area. You will want to splint from above the elbow to below the wrist.
Tie the splint in place. Do not tie too tightly, but make sure that it is secure. Wrapping it too tightly can cause an increase in swelling.
Seek medical attention, as soon as possible.