How to Recover From a Fulkerson Osteotomy
Things You'll Need
- Ice
- Pain medication
- Crutches
- Knee brace
Keep your affected leg elevated. Use two pillows to elevate your entire leg above heart level. This should be done as often as possible during the first few days after surgery.
Wear your knee brace. Your knee brace is designed to protect your knee while your incision heals and your knee becomes stronger. Use your knee brace as directed by your surgeon.
Ice your leg. Use an ice pack or place crushed ice in a plastic zipper bag. Apply over your knee for 20 minutes at a time, no more than three times per day.
Take your pain medication as prescribed. Only take it as often as is necessary. Do not take medication just because the clock says it is time.
Bear weight as you can tolerate it. Don't push past your tolerance, especially for the first four weeks following surgery. Use crutches to aid you with walking.
Attend physical therapy when instructed by your doctor. Physical therapy will focus on quadriceps and hamstring strengthening -- in the early stages -- to help maintain muscle strength. A physical therapist will then work with you on range of motion and flexibility. This will help restore normal function to your knee. Complete exercises as directed by a physical therapist at home.
Return to work and normal activity. Resume your normal lifestyle when you receive clearance from your surgeon.