Step-by-Step Instructions for a Sit to Stand Transfer
Wrap a gait belt around the waist of the person prior to assisting with the transfer. If a gait belt is not available, grasp the back of the person's pants at the waist during the transfer.
Instruct the person to scoot toward the edge of the seat by advancing one hip at a time until his feet are flat on the floor.
Stand in front of the person, squat down and hold the gait belt on each side. Count aloud as you rock back and forth three times to gain momentum.
On the third count, instruct the person to push up from the armrests or edge of the bed. Assist her with bending forward, and tell her to bring her "nose over his toes."
Pull the person close to your body and into a bear-hug position as you stand. When he is stable on his feet, move and stand next to his weaker side. Hold the gait belt at all times through the transfer.
Bring the walker or cane within the person's reach. Hold on to the gait belt until the person is stable with the walking device.