How to Choose the Right Roller Walker for a Disabled Person
Choose a basic rolling walker with two back legs and two front wheels in a fixed position for people who need assistance with mobility inside the home, such as walking from one room to another and transferring from one sitting surface to another.
Choose a rollator for people with higher levels of mobility who participate in community activities like shopping and other social events. Rollator walkers are available with three or four wheels and often have a seat attached to them. This allows the person to stop and rest when required.
Compare different hand grips available for the type of walker you have chosen. Hand grips that are padded are more comfortable than hard plastic grips and are better tolerated by people who will use the walker frequently. Hard plastic grips can be slippery when the user's hands are wet or sweaty.
Shop for walker accessories based on the person's functional needs. A tray can be attached to the front of the walker to assist with carrying food and drink from room to room. Baskets can be attached as well to transports other items and eliminate the need for a shoulder bag.