How to Find Treatment for Leg Cramps

If frequent or intense leg cramps are keeping you from completing every day activities, there are steps you can take on your own to ease the tension. If the problem persists, however, a doctor or physical may be able to help.


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      Stretch your leg muscles before and after physical activities and drink plenty of fluids, especially if the weather is hot. These are ways to prevent and treat leg cramps without medical intervention..

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      Check the labels on your medication. Leg cramps are sometimes a side effect of certain types of medication. If you find that this to be the case, ask your doctor to prescribe an alternative medication.

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      Massage your legs daily and apply cold packs or heat. These can ease the tension of cramped muscles and possibly treat the leg cramps. Make an appointment with a physical therapist if the problem persists.

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      Research your specific condition through trusted organizations like the Mayo Clinic and the Cleveland Clinic. For example, the difference between leg cramps at night and leg cramps during athletic events can determine the best method of treatment.

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      See your doctor if the problem persists. He may prescribe medication that relax your muscles or suggest that you take vitamin supplements. Muscle contractions can be caused by your body's low level of calcium, potassium, magnesium and other minerals; or they can be caused by more serious issues like nerve compression or lack of blood supply due to narrow arteries.

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