How to Use a CPM Machine

The continuous passive motion or CPM machine is used to provide constant motion of a particular body part that is stiff or in danger of losing range of motion. Your doctor may prescribe a CPM machine for you to use after surgery because swelling and pain will make it difficult to move your body part. It is frequently used after knee, shoulder and elbow surgeries. The machine is used within one to two days after surgery and is usually discontinued within three weeks. It will be set up by a healthcare professional using the parameters prescribed by your doctor before you have to use it on your own.


    • 1

      Plug the machine in and lay down on your bed or couch with the machine positioned next to your injured body part. A shoulder or elbow CPM machine may be equipped to use in a sitting position. Use pillows to support the machine on either side if needed to make sure it is stable.

    • 2

      Line up your joint with the axis of rotation on the machine and place your arm or leg into the machine. Connect the Velcro straps so that your body part is secured in place.

    • 3

      Turn on the machine. Your range of motion will be limited by the parameters set up by your healthcare professional. Use the up and down buttons to find the speed you can comfortably tolerate.

    • 4

      Continue the use of your CPM machine for the amount of time prescribed by your healthcare professional. This can range from one hour to 23 hours per day. At the end of the session, stop your machine when your body part is in a pain-free position. Unstrap the Velcro and take your arm or leg out of the CPM. Keep track of the frequency and amount of time you use your CPM based on your doctor's instructions.

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