How to Treat Iliotibial Band Knee Pain
Rest your knee for one week. Do not run, cycle, do step aerobics or anything else that causes pain. When you restart, reduce your mileage by 50 percent and do not increase by more than 10 percent per week. For example, if you ran a total of 5 miles this week, then run 5.5 miles next week. You may even need to walk some of the distance if you still have pain with running. For instance, walk two minutes and then run two minutes, continuing this cycle for the duration of your run. You will continue the healing process as you restart running and walking. Run on flat surfaces as you recover. An uneven surface, such as the same side of a road on every run, can place more strain on the outer knee, resulting in more pain.
Take an anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen or naproxen. This will reduce the inflammation in the painful area and allow it to heal. Take the recommended dose daily with food for at least one week and up to four weeks if needed. Your goal is to get rid of any inflammation to allow for healing and enable you to continue running.
Stretch at least twice daily. While standing, cross your left foot in front of your right. Bend over, reaching to the right of your toes. You should feel a stretch in the outside of the right leg and hip area. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat with the right foot in front and reaching to the left of your toes. Hold the stretch again for 20 to 30 seconds. Use a foam roller to give you a deep massage and stretch of the IT band. Lie on one side, placing the foam roller beneath your hip. Roll on top of it until it reaches just above your knee. Do not roll directly on the outer knee. Use the foam roller on both sides, but spend more time on the injured IT band.
Do strengthening exercises three times a week. Lie on your right side with legs extended and head resting on your arm comfortably. Raise your left leg 12 inches above your right leg and then lower. Do this 20 times. Roll over to your left side and repeat with the right leg.