Finger Control Exercises
Finger Spread
Sit in front of a table, desk or other flat surface and place your palm flat on the surface with your fingers closed tightly together. Spread your fingers, widening the reach as far as possible. Close fingers again. Repeat this move 10 to12 times on each hand. As your finger strength improves, increase the number of repetitions.
Finger Lifts
Lay palms on a table or flat surface. Raise and lower each finger, one at a time. Start off by simply raising each finger straight up and then back down. Then raise each finger in a certain pattern, such as a in a clockwise circle. Try to stretch each finger in this motion to the fullest extent. Experiment with different patterns to stretch your fingers in different directions.
Fingertip Touches
Hold your hands out directly in front of you with your palms facing down. Curl your index finger so that it meets the tip of your thumb. Return the index finger to a straight up position. Then do this movement for all of the other fingers. Repeat this exercise 10 to12 times.
Paper Crush
Hold a piece of paper between your thumb and fingers. Extend your arm out directly in front of you. Crush and crumple the piece of paper into a ball by using all fingers except the thumb. Repeat this exercise as many times as you are capable, using a fresh piece of paper each time. Old newspapers work well and won’t waste paper.
Finger Bend
Hold your hands out in front of you with the palms facing outward as if you were about to push a door open. Close your fingers. Close your hand by touching your fingertips (excluding the thumb) to the palm of your hand. Try to keep your first knuckles (those closest to fingertips) as straight as possible, only bending at the knuckles in the middle of the fingers. The thumb should just rest comfortably against the pointer finger. Open hand. Repeat this exercise 10 to 12 times.