How to Gain Height By Improving Posture

To gain height and improve your posture, strengthen your core muscles and practice standing up straight. Also keep your back straight while sitting in front of the computer or working out. Not only will good posture make you look taller, it can also make you look thinner and project confidence. Good posture can improve your overall health by decreasing the likelihood of joint pain and alleviating breathing problems, according to WebMD. Most people slouch somewhat, so you might feel funny sitting and standing tall at first. But keep practicing and soon good posture will become a new habit.


  1. Strengthen Back Muscles

    • 1

      Lie on your back with your hands relaxed at your sides. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground. Lift your hips off the floor, straighten your torso and keep the position for three breaths. The Mayo Clinic recommends repeating this exercise 10 times.

    • 2

      Stretch out on the floor into the superman pose, lying on your stomach with your hands in front of you. Lift one arm off the floor, breathe three times, release and do the same with the opposite arm. Then, lift one leg off the floor, breathe three times, release and repeat with the opposite leg. If this pose is uncomfortable, the Mayo Clinic recommends placing a small pillow beneath your hips.

    • 3

      Stand with your back flat against a wall, bend your elbows and place your arms against the wall with your hands perpendicular to the ground. As if making a snow angel, run your arms up and down against the wall 10 times. This is called a wall angel.

    • 4

      Place your feet about a foot in front of a wall and lean back. Lower your body until your legs bend as if you were sitting in a chair. Stand straight again and repeat 30 times. The University of South Carolina recommends this pose to improve your posture.

    Stand Tall

    • 5

      Imagine a piece of string connecting the top of your head to the sky when you walk or sit at a chair. Use your strong back muscles to lift up your chest, straighten your shoulders and keep your spine straight.

    • 6

      Uncross your legs while sitting at a desk chair or in front of the computer, instead keeping your feet flat on the ground. Sit up straight and force yourself to keep good posture until it becomes natural. Changing the way you sit at your desk can improve your overall posture.

    • 7

      Keep a straight spine at the gym. If you want to read while on an exercise machine, keep your magazine at eye-level to avoid hunching over.

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