Posture Pump Instructions
Neck Model 1000
Complete the warm-up exercise prior to using the Posture Pump. These exercises involve stretching the neck muscles.
Find a comfortable place on a firm, flat surface such as a floor in a home.
Place the deflated Posture Pump in a manner that allows you to lay on it and still have plenty of room to stretch out.
Lay down on the floor and position your head properly in the Posture Pump. The neck has to rest firmly in the neck cradle, lying on the center of the machine. Bend your knees with feet flat on the ground.
Secure your head and chin by centering the head restraint. Remove slack from the straps and wrap them across the forehead band. Press firmly to secure the straps against the Velcro band. Restraints must be snug without lifting the device from the floor.
Inflate the Posture Pump to a comfortable level, at least one to seven pumps.
Count to ten and then press the manual release button to deflate the pump.
Continue this process repeating the steps as many times as desired and as long as it is comfortable.
Pump the Posture Pump up again and rest on the exerciser for up to 15 minutes. If you cannot achieve 15 minutes in the beginning, slowly work up to that time.
Back Model 2000
Sit down on the floor in a comfortable position.
Slide the deflated Posture Pump up against the buttocks and low back.
Lay down gently keeping the Posture Pump in a comfortable position in the small of the back. The buttocks should be not be resting on the Posture Pump.
Rock pelvis gently back and forth on the Posture Pump to exercise the lower back and complete the warm-up exercises.
Take each hand pump into your hands. Test which is the lower cell pump by squeezing first one, then the other. Place the lower cell pump into the right hand.
Squeeze and inflate the lower cell pump one to five times, but not to the point of pain. Complete this same step with the upper cell pump. Ensure that the inflation is comfortable and not painful.
Inflate both pumps at the same time by squeezing at least three more times.
Bend knees and place feet firmly on the ground. Rock the pelvis up toward the belly button by using the stomach muscles to lift the buttocks.
Rock back down and stretch the lower back over the lower air cell.
Release the air from both cells by pushing the release button.
Repeat the process several times. On the last repetition, leave the air cells inflated and rest there as long as it is comfortable.