How to Cure RSI in the Hands and the Forearm
Things You'll Need
- Ergonomic keyboard
- Physical therapist
- Orthopedic hand brace
Take It Easy!
Take it easy! Relax your hand and make sure that you are using the highest quality equipment -- for example, purchase an ergonomic keyboard. It may seem expensive, but your health is a worthwhile investment. If you feel your hand tensing up and aching, take a break.
Have a deep tissue massage. Deep tissue massage is well documented to effectively treat RSI. Ideally it should be performed by a trained, professional physical therapist for maximum effectiveness; in fact, an unskilled deep tissue masseuse may cause more harm than good.
Engage in such activities as therapeutic yoga and pilates. Stretching your hands and forearms will relax them, which is the perfect antidote to overly tensed muscles. Stretching via these gentle forms of exercise will give you back your full range of motion instead of being limited by the pain.
Use an orthopedic hand brace. This should be done for the short term only; unnecessary long-term usage of a hand brace could further injure your hand or forearm. Additionally, this form of treatment should only be used if prescribed by your physician.
Exercise using the Alexander Technique. This method is an alternative medicine discipline that improves posture and increases general body consciousness. It is designed to remove movement restraint. You will require a teacher specially trained in this technique -- you don't want to risk further injury. Your Alexander teacher will observe you in day-to-day activities, after which he will inform you of your own unique movement issues and how to deal with them.