What Is a Supination Brace?
Supination of the foot is a misalignment of the ankle that causes the foot to roll inward, resulting in pressure on the outward-facing portion of the ankle and foot. Doctors often advise the use of a supination ankle brace to help alleviate the pain and stabilize the foot.-
A supination ankle brace prevents the misalignment from wrecking havoc on the stance and bearing of a person. Without the use of a brace, the condition of the foot would continue to worsen to the point of possible damage being done to the tendons in the ankle.
Usually a supination ankle brace will feature rigid sides that will support the proper ankle alignment and will fit either foot. Additionally, these braces have the ability to be tightened or loosened, depending on the needs of the patient.
The function of a supination ankle brace is to help readjust the ankle into the correct position and prevent it from rolling. This reduces the amount of strain placed on the tendons and the possibility of long-term damage.