How to Improve Posture in Your Chair With Dyspraxia
Seek the advice of a physiotherapist if sitting causes you to fidget, loll or feel uncomfortable. Muscle weakness, which can be a part of dyspraxia, can cause problems with maintaining a position for a length of time. The physiotherapist may prescribe a particular exercise regimen to strengthen the muscles in the back, shoulders and legs.
Choose your chair carefully. The soft chair that looks really comfortable may not be the most suitable for you. It may be more advisable to choose a firmer chair, with more support, particularly for your back. Try to avoid sitting hunched over a computer screen for hours on end. If you must sit at a computer, get up every 20 minutes and do a few simple stretching exercises.
Vary your position, by changing where and how you sit. This may help to counter fatigue, as you will not be using exactly the same muscles. Try to avoid foot-tapping or other fidgeting, as this can make you more tense. Try to make a conscious effort to relax by breathing deeply, using your diaphragm and relaxing your shoulders.