Instructions on Use of Hemi Walkers

Hemi walkers are medically designed for people who have problems with mobility. Most patients who use this walker need the assistance of a cane but have little perception of balance. Before using the hemi walker, the user must be stable enough to stand and be able to use at least one of his arms. Hemi walkers are ideal for older people because they are suitable for easy mobility and very light.


    • 1

      Hold the top handle of the folded hemi walker to balance it. Spread both its legs and push the pivot lock down with the other hand to stabilize and lock.

    • 2

      Adjust the height level of the walker by pressing the leg extensions button. Choose the right level and lock it to the corresponding leg hole.

    • 3

      Stand up and hold the hemi walker with your strong arm. Push it 1 to 2 feet forward. Drag your body alongside the walker until you are balanced again. Repeat the process. Use the strong leg for additional support and balance.

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