How to Tell a Body Frame Size
Though measuring elbow breadth and comparing it with norms can predict body frame size, measuring according to standardized anthropometric procedures provides the most accurate values. Anthropometric measurements are simply measurements of size and proportion of a specific body type.
Obtain a chart identifying the standardized sites for bony breadth measurements and use an anthropometric tape measure. However, a basic plastic-coated tape measure is suitable.
Locate the epicondyles of the humurus to obtain elbow breadth measurements. The epicondyles are the two bony 'bumps' felt on each side of the tip of your elbow when your arm is flexed. With your or your client's arm raised and elbow flexed to 90 degrees, apply the caliper blades on each of the epicondyles and record the measurement.
According to "Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription," for men, less than or equal to 6.6 cm is considered small frame, between 6.7 cm and 7.6 cm is medium frame, and 7.7 and greater indicates a large frame
For women, less than or equal to 5.6 cm is considered small frame, between 5.6 and 6.5 cm is medium frame and 7.1 and greater indicates a large frame.
Measure your wrist with a tape measure and know your height to determine your body frame size. With your wrist measurements in front of you, find a chart illustrating norms for body frame size according to age, sex and height. Body frame size predictions are varied based on height. For example, for a woman under 5-foot-2, a wrist size less than 5.5 inches would indicate a small frame, whereas anything less than 6 inches would be considered small frame for a woman that stands 5-foot-5.
Wrap your middle finger and thumb around your wrist for a quick, easy prediction of your body frame size. If your fingers overlap, you are small framed, if they touch without overlapping, you are medium framed and if your fingers are unable to meet, you are large framed.