How to Test With a Goniometer
A goniometer is a protractor with two, extended, moveable arms used to determine range of motion and measure the angles of joints. Range of motion (ROM) reflects the flexibility of joints, or how much movement occurs at a joint. After an injury or surgery, an individual's ROM in various joints is typically reduced. A goniometer is a useful tool to gauge the progress of ROM during treatment and physical therapy. It can also help with the design of ergonomic furniture and equipment for the workplace.Things You'll Need
- Joint range-of-motion table
Stabilize the individual's body nearest the joint to be tested. Instruct the individual to only move the joint that is being tested and not to move other parts of his body. This will yield more accurate measurements since the movement of the joint is isolated.
Position the fulcrum of the goniometer to align with the fulcrum of the joint being tested. The fulcrum of the goniometer is the hinged area at the center of the protractor. The fulcrum of the joint is the point at which the joint moves.
Position the stationary arm of the goniometer to align with the limb or body part attached to the joint that will not be moving during testing. The moveable arm of the goniometer should align with the limb or body part that will move as the joint ROM is tested.
Hold the arms of the goniometer against the individual as he moves the joint through its ROM. Note and record the reading in degrees between the two endpoints. This is the range of motion for the joint.
Consult the joint range-of-motion table and compare to your reading on the goniometer. Note the difference between your reading and the chart. Dr. Erin Ducat, a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, explains how to record the results in the patient's records, "Express the individual's ROM as the degrees to which full extension, flexion, abduction, or internal and external rotation as how many degrees the patient moved from zero (neutral)."