What Is a Mallet Splint?
Symptoms of mallet finger include inflammation, bruising, pain and a drooping finger tip. Occasionally, the fingernail will become discolored or detached. It usually occurs when the finger tip is struck while in the extended position. This can happen during sports such as baseball, volleyball or basketball, or by simply tucking bedspreads.
An X-ray of the affected finger joint can be used in diagnosing mallet finger. The X-ray will allow the physician to determine whether or not there are any bone fractures.
As long as there are no bone fractures, treatment for mallet finger is usually non-surgical. A splint is often applied to the finger. It is usually placed on top of the finger and secured with athletic or strapping tape. There are also prefabriacted finger sleeves on the market for mallet finger. The splint is usually worn 24 hours a day for up to eight weeks. Hand therapy by a physical or occupational therapist may also be beneficial in treating mallet finger.