How to Heal a Broken Collarbone
Things You'll Need
- Sling
- Figure eight bandage (optional)
- Pain killers
Go to the doctor and have the bone X-rayed. An X-ray will determine whether the pain is a break or a bruise. Bruised bones are painful, but they do not require the same amount of care and heal easily.
Wear a sling. Doctors will give a suggested time period, which will differ based on the type of break, the location of the break and the age of the patient. The sling will prevent the shoulder or arm from moving and will limit further injury. Patients can use a figure eight bandage as well, if preferred.
Take pain medication. In most cases, a mild pain killer like acetaminophen (Tylenol) is appropriate. If the break requires surgery or a doctor determines that it is too painful, the doctor will prescribe a pain medication that is stronger.
Talk to a doctor before starting exercise. Gradual movement and exercise is appropriate during the healing process, but a doctor will determine the appropriate timing. Usually, minor exercise and movement can start at around two to three weeks in most cases. If the patient received surgery, exercise timing will differ.