Types of Xray Machines
CT Scanner
The CT scanner is used in the health care industry. It takes two dimensional pictures of the individual and produces digital radiographs. The machine resembles a large box with a tunnel through the center. The patient reclines on the examine table and is moved into the tunnel for examination. The many x-ray detectors then rotate around the patient and take x-rays. This information is then sent to a computer where the x-ray information results in a 2D radiograph.
Bone X-ray Machine
A bone x-ray machine consists of an x-ray tube that is over an examination table. Underneath the examination table is an image recording plate or x-ray film. The x-ray tube is attached to a flexible arm that can be moved depending on what part of the body needs to be x-rayed. The tube emits the photons that pass through the body. These bone x-ray machines produce low levels of radiation that are not harmful to the patient. There are even small portable versions of this type of bone x-ray machine.
Linear Accelerator
Linear accelerators are used for radiotherapy. These shoot intense beams of radiation to tumors to kill the cancer without affecting the rest of the body. This machine is an example of a hard x-ray in which the photons are very strong. One of the advantages of this new type of x-ray machine is that it is much easier and faster to calibrate for each patient.
Backscatter X-ray
Backscatter x-ray machines are used for airport security and baggage checks. These machines can see through clothing and other fabric and pick out items below the surface. A backscatter x-ray machine uses different technology than traditional x-ray machines. Instead of measuring the intensity of photons that pass through an object, it measures the items' ability to scatter the protons. Materials such as liquids and metal will absorb more photons and have less scatter. A computer will measure the scatter and create images. This type of x-ray image is fast and easy to create and provides sharp detail, much better than conventional x-rays.