Labral Repair Protocol

A labrum is a small fibrocartilage lip between the bones in the ball-and-socket joint of the shoulder. Doctors often diagnosis labral tears using a magnetic resonance imaging scan, also called an MRI.
  1. Types of Tears

    • There are three types of labral tears. In the first type, the labrum detaches from the bone. In the second type, there is a tear within the substance of the labrum itself. The third type of tear occurs where the biceps tendon is attached to the labrum.

    Repair Methods

    • Labral repairs may be done through an incision at the front of the shoulder or arthroscopically. Arthroscopic repair requires an orthopedic surgeon skilled in arthroscopic technique.


    • Rehabilitation after labral repair requires physical therapy to regain motion and strength. This is a slow process, moving from passive to active motion and then strengthening. Full recovery may require up to six months.

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