Electric Wheelchair Safety Information
Power chairs need to be kept in good condition to avoid any potential electrical or motor-caused accidents. It is recommended that wheelchair users schedule a regular yearly maintenance check with a qualified wheelchair dealer.
It is recommended that the power button, or switch, is always turned off when transporting a wheelchair, using a wheelchair lift or parking the chair on any inclines. The habit of turning off the power each time the user is not driving the wheelchair may help avoid the chair accidentally turning on.
Electric wheelchairs come installed with anti-tip wheels. Never replace these wheels with manual wheels. Anti-tip wheels prevent a user tipping over if they bump into any obstacles while their chair is in motion.
Other Precautions
Users should avoid riding their electric wheelchair outside in the rain. If controls or motors get wet they may malfunction. Users should use caution riding the chair up and down any steep slopes to avoid tipping over. Do not use the high speed setting on an electric wheelchair while riding inside to prevent running into any walls or other obstacles.