How to Make Your Own Knee Splint
Things You'll Need
- Sticks or wood
- Strips of cloth
Making a Splint
Look for objects that can be used as supports for the splint. These items can be boards, sticks or wooden rods. If these objects cannot be found, roll a piece of clothing or newspaper into a cylinder shape to use as a support.
Place one support on either side of the knee. Make the splint supports longer than the actual area that is injured. This is to prevent the knee from moving.
Use a strip of cloth to secure the splint to the knee. Secure the splint both below and above the knee by wrapping the cloth around the leg and supports. Use a knot to tie the cloth firmly into place. Make sure the ties are not putting pressure on the injured area.
Check the injury often. Watch for signs such as numbness, paleness or swelling (Reference 2). If these symptoms occur, loosen the splint to avoid making the injury worse.
Visit a doctor or other medical professional for further treatment. Visit a doctor once the knee is in the splint for further medical help. Pad the splint with cloth or other material so pressure is not put on the area that is injured.