Signs of a Fractured Nose
If fractured, the nose will generally swell, bruise and appear misshapen. When touched, the nose will be very sensitive and may make a crunching or crackling sound. If the nose is broken it may also bleed or discharge mucus, and it will be difficult or impossible to breathe through the nostrils.
A ffractured nose needs to receive medical attention to avoid permanent disfigurement. A doctor will diagnose a fractured nose through a physical examination; this examination could be painful as the doctor will need to touch the broken area. Generally, X-rays are not needed.
Most fractured noses do not require much treatment other than pain control. Immediately apply ice and keep the head elevated at all times including while asleep. Doctors may manually straighten the broken bone during the examination. For particularly bad fractures or breaks, the nose may need a splint or surgery.