The Effect of High Heels on Balance Control in Elderly Women
Heels more than two inches in height cause the body to shift to maintain balance. This shift in posture places the body's weight onto the ball of the foot instead of the whole foot where it belongs. The slanted position also affects gait.
The unnatural position of the high-heeled foot restricts the body's ability to lift the foot and move forward in the normal way. Hip and knee muscles work differently and the danger of rolling an ankle leading to a fall is greater. Unfortunately, disabling falls among the elderly are often serious and even life-changing.
The American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society recommends wearing a shorter heel for stability. Short stilettos create the popular look women want without the danger. They also recommend open toe styles to relieve the pressure on the toes. Another option is having a pedorthist custom fit and modify needed dress shoes.