Exercises for Wrist Drop

Wrist drop usually occurs after your arm has been in the same position for too long and is caused by damage to the radial nerve. This can cure itself over days, months or even years, but you should see a doctor if it doesn't correct itself after a few days. Depending on the extent of the damage, you may be required to wear a splint or a cast while the nerve is healing.
  1. Passive Exercises

    • Using the fully functional hand, put pressure on your injured hand to stretch the wrist forward and then backward. Hold both positions for up to 10 seconds.

      Rotate the wrist in a circular motion both clockwise and counterclockwise. This should help loosen up the muscles and keep them healthy and working while your wrist is healing.

      These exercises are most useful when the radial nerve is damaged extensively as you will have little feeling or capability for movement in your wrist and fingers. If your hand is basically useless, you may want to wiggle your fingers often to keep the blood flow at a normal pace, which should help prevent swelling.

    Grasping Exercise

    • Pick up a tennis ball with your injured hand. Slowly squeeze the ball 25 to 30 times. This helps encourage blood flow and build up the muscle. Rest after the set and then perform two to three more sets in a row. If you feel pain, you should either stop the exercise or switch to an object that isn't as solid as a tennis ball, such as a sponge or a generic squishy ball. These can both be found at most retail stores.

    Rotation Exercise

    • Locate a long, slightly weighted object, such as a rubber mallet or a hammer. Grip the object halfway down the length of the handle, approximately at the middle point. Sit down in a chair and lean your elbow on your leg. Start with your palm facing down and slowly rotate your wrist so that your palm is facing you. Do as many of these rotations as you can stand, without feeling pain or an excess of stress.

    Rubber Band Stretch

    • Locate a rubber band that can fit around all five fingers on your injured hand. Stretch your fingers as far as they can go without causing you pain. If this is too easy, add extra rubber bands for more intense resistance. Perform two to three sets of 20 to 25 repetitions and move up in resistance, sets and repetitions as your wrist begins to adjust to the exercise. Don't force yourself to move up in resistance and repetitions too quickly or you could further injure yourself.

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