Shin Splint Stretching Exercises
Lower Leg Muscles
It is important to stretch both the upper and lower muscles of the calf. There are a wide variety of stretches you can do which will target each specific muscle of the lower leg. When dealing with shin splints, practice stretching exercises which work both the upper and lower portions of the calf, as well as the muscles located along the shin itself. For instance, you might try standing upright and lifting yourself up onto your toes, and then back down again several times. Then stand at arm's length away from a bare wall with palms placed against the wall in front of you. Lean forward against your palms, bringing yourself as close to the wall as possible without bending your knees.
Achilles Tendon
The Achilles tendon consists of the tissue that connects the heel to the muscles of the calf. It's one of the strongest tendons in the human body and allows the body to stand, walk and run. To stretch the Achilles tendon, begin by standing erect with heel to the floor and the ball of your foot resting against a wall or on a step or other raised object. Carefully bend the knee and lean forward, stretching the Achilles slowly and carefully to avoid injury.
Foot Muscles
The foot muscles must also be stretched regularly. There are several muscles located within the foot, so you may need to do a variety of exercises to stretch each muscle. One method is to sit on the floor with one leg stretched out in front of you, about an inch or so off the ground. Then pretend like your big toe is a crayon and draw each letter of the alphabet in the air in front of you. The variation of movements will help stretch a variety of the small muscles located in the foot. Another method involves kneeling with toes pointed out behind you. Sit back gently on your heels, pressing the tops of your feet into the floor.