Exercises for the Jaw and Neck

Many people suffer from disorders affecting the jaw and neck. In some cases the symptoms may present independently of one another, however one problem can also cause another to arise. Common jaw disorders are classified as temporomandibular disorders, or TMD. Improper muscle function is associated with TMD, which can create head-neck movement problems. Depending on the situation a dentist, chiropractor, or other specialist should be consulted to correct the problem. A number of exercises can help alleviate symptoms as well.
  1. Jaw Exercises

    • Stretching and trying to align the jaw muscles aid with the painful symptoms some experience with TMD. Stretching exercises are recommend to do at home if you are not experiencing severe pain. Assisted opening is an exercise that can be completed by opening the mouth as wide as possible while pushing the lower front teeth down with two fingers. Lateral movement exercises involve moving the jaw from left to right without moving it up or down.

    Neck Exercises

    • Neck pain can result from a number of different causes. Some may or may not be associated with jaw problems. Simple exercises can help to stretch the neck for increased flexibility. Tilt the head from front to back and from side to side. Repeat the stretches 5 to 10 times. In addition to tilting, rotating the head from side to side as if you wanted to look behind you is another powerful neck exercise.

    Additional Information

    • An exercise to help both the jaw and the neck is done by stretching the neck down in attempt to touch the ear to the shoulder without moving the shoulder up. This stretches the group of muscles associated with both the jaw and neck. Remember to always consult a professional before beginning any home treatment for an injury. If your jaw or neck is seriously hurt, you should rest it first before trying any injuries.

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