How do I Find a Podiatrist Who Specializes in Hammertoes in Denver?
Investigate This website lists podiatrists by city and state, as well as their specialties, if available---including hammertoe. A free monthly newsletter is also offered that gives current stories from both doctors and patients regarding elective surgeries---which the severity of the hammertoe may require.
Try, which allows you to enter the city, state and/or zip code that you are researching for a podiatrist. In the Denver area, as of August 2010, the website currently only lists Emergency Foot Care PC, which specializes in the treatment of hammertoe.
Research podiatrists at, which lists more than 15 podiatrists in the Denver, Colorado area. Although the doctors' specialties are not given, addresses and phone numbers are provided, allowing you to contact the doctor's office directly for information on whether the doctor treats hammertoe.
Contact the Boulder Medical Center, located approximately 29 miles from Denver. This hospital has a podiatry department, and can provide referrals to podiatrists that specialize in hammertoe. For a referral or more information, call 303-440-3036.
Call Centura Health's Ask-a-Nurse line in Denver for a referral to a podiatrist that specializes in hammertoe. The call center is a free community service, offered by Colorado's "largest family of hospitals and health care services," according to Centura's website. The call center can be reached at 303-777-NURS inside Metro Denver, or at 800-327-6877 outside that area, to inquire about a referral.