What Is a Prosthetic Device?
Upper-Limb Prosthetics
Prosthetics of the arm are divided into hand and elbow prosthetics. According to the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, artificial hands may provide patients with the ability to grip objects, or they may lengthen a missing finger. Elbow prosthetics can provide patients with an articulating elbow joint.
Lower-Limb Prosthetics
A prosthetic user often undergoes physical therapy to learn how to manipulate the new device. Lower-limb prosthetics are divided into above-the-knee and below-the-knee devices. The Amputee Coalition of America states that available mechanisms and materials for these prosthetics include fluid hydraulics, microprocessors, simple rubber and wood, graphite and more. Artificial legs provide the stability necessary for patients to stand and walk.
Other Prosthetic Devices
Dentures may replace all of a patient's teeth and gums. The American Society of Ocularists states that most artificial eyes consist of a glass implant in the eye socket, with the colored eye layer placed under the eyelid.
Dentures and artificial teeth allow patients to consume a wider variety of foods, which commonly improves nutritional and emotional health.