Over-the-Counter Products for Excessive Supination

Excessive supination is the turning outward of the foot at the ankle in such a way that you walk on the outside of your foot. In other words, it is the twisting of the foot and ankle. Excessive supination can lead to foot and ankle injuries, heel spurs, foot pain, shinsplints, hip or leg pain and lower back pain. Fortunately, supination is treatable with over-the-counter products.

Over-the-counter foot products for excessive supination may last for several years before wearing out, depending on your activities such as standing, running, sitting, walking and working conditions. These products are available at major retailers such as Walmart, Walgreens, CVS and RiteAid. Also, chiropractors, podiatrists, specialty shoe stores and website retailers sell them.
  1. Shoes

    • Excessive supination can be caused by improperly-fitting shoes and high-heeled shoes. Good-quality shoes are comfortable, offer ankle support and have good arch supports, properly-fitting insoles and solid, thick bases or soles. Good-quality shoes start at $125 (as of 2010) depending on quality, purpose and your activities.


    • Orthotics are the soft or firm inserts placed inside shoes for arch support, cushioning and correction of the foot's position. Orthotics can be used to replace worn insoles and to provide additional support and comfort to your shoes. Orthotics include arch support insoles, heel supports and cushion soles. Good-quality orthotics start at $20 (as of 2010).

    Ankle Braces

    • Ankle braces stabilize the ankle and provide freedom of movement. They fasten by wrapping around the ankle and bottom of the foot. Ankle braces can cost about $40 (as of 2010).

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