What Are the Benefits of Compression Tights?
Circulation Therapy
Prescribed primarily for patients who have had surgery and cannot walk, compression tights increase blood circulation in the legs and prevent deep vein thrombosis. In addition to post surgical patients, compression tights are also worn by people suffering from lower extremity swelling (lymphedemea) and/or chronic venous insufficiency.
Fatigue Reduction
Athletes such as runners, cyclists, weight lifters and even basketball players benefit from wearing compression tights. Bands on the tights provide levels of graduated compression that promote blood flow and aid in muscle contraction during exercise. These bands also help lactate stay in the muscle instead of releasing into the bloodstream for increased energy. Compression tights also prevent muscle injury by reducing muscle vibration for faster recovery from extreme sport activities.
Body Temperature Maintenance
Compression tights are made from materials that wick perspiration away from the skin. The evaporation of sweat is the human body's primary cooling system and compression tights assist with this action, making them ideal for wear in hot and humid conditions. Once sweat is deposited into the fabric of compression tights, it can evaporate faster.