How do I Get Relief From an Aching Heel Spur?
The heel spur is the bony protrusion in the back of your foot. While the heel spur itself doesn't usually cause pain, it can cause inflammation of the plantar fascia, a tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot. This condition is very painful, and can cause difficulty walking. The pain can be especially bad in the morning.Things You'll Need
- Orthotic insert
- Night split
- Ice pack
- Heat pack
Consult your doctor about purchasing an orthotic insert. An orthotic is a device slipped into your shoe that relieves pressure on the plantar fascia and relieves pain. Also, ask your doctor about a night splint, which stretches the plantar fascia while you sleep and prevents pain in the morning.
Rest the affected foot, especially after periods of intense activity.
Consult your physician about the appropriate over-the-counter medications you can take to help with the pain. Ibuprofen is a common medication recommended by physicians for this condition, but don't take anything without asking your doctor.
Apply an ice pack to your foot in the morning for 20 minutes, or until the ice pack is no longer cold. At night before you go to bed, apply a heat pack for the same amount of time.
Consult a sports masseuse about massage therapy for the foot. A sports massage therapist will be trained in dealing with injuries and soothing pain.