How do I Resolve Knee Problems?
Give your knees a break. Take time to relax and elevate your knee to remedy problems, such as swelling, from an injury. Use a pillow to raise your knees above your heart.
Apply ice. Treat acute or temporary injuries with cold therapy, such as an ice pack or cold cloth. Place the compress on your knee for up to 20 minutes, and then remove for 20 minutes. Do this up to three times a day.
Engage in easy workouts. Exercise can improve joint mobility or flexibility, and reverse knee problems. Choose exercises that don't stress your knee joints, such as swimming or light walking.
Use over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications. Inflammation and joint stiffness are common with arthritis in the knees. Take medications, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, to stop inflammation.
Take a bath. Relax in hot water from a bath or hot tub to relax stiff joint muscles and help resolve knee problems. Add 2 cups of Epsom salt to bath water to reduce knee swelling, if necessary.
Stabilize your knee. Weak knees can buckle when you participate in physical activity. Wrap a bandage or other compression wrap to give your knees extra support before exercising or playing sports.