Which Conditions Require Foot Orthotics?
People most likely to need foot orthotics are those who stand or walk a lot throughout the day and those who are overweight, as well as those born with flat feet. Other problems of the foot or ankle may also benefit from the use of foot orthotics.
Achilles Tendonitis
Achilles tendonitis is an inflammation of the Achilles tendon. The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body and is located in the back of the leg, attaching to the bone of the heel. This problem is more common in athletes, especially runners or those who do a lot of walking. Foot orthotics may be able to stop the progression, allowing for healing.
Flat Feet
Flat feet is a condition in which people are born with feet that do not have arches. This problem can affect one or both feet and can be caused by loose connections to the joints. This problem can cause pain in both the arch of the foot and the heel. Having a flat foot may not always cause pain, however if pain is exhibited with the condition, a doctor may recommend using foot orthotics. Foot orthotics cannot cure flat feet but can help relieve pain associated with the problem.
Inflammation and pain occurring in the ball of the foot is called metatarsalgia. This is a problem commonly associated with athletes who do a lot of jumping or running, and it can also result from wearing shoes that do not fit correctly. This condition is not serious and can typically be alleviated with the aid of ice and rest, although more serious cases may need foot orthotics to help absorb the shock to the foot.
Other Conditions
Other conditions that may require foot orthotics include corns, ankle sprains, arch pain, heel pain, bunions, pain on the top of the foot, knee pain, toe pain and neuromas.