Levaquin Induced Tendonitis Treatment
Mild Cases
When tendinitis is mild it can be treated with over-the-counter pain medication. Applying ice to the affected area can help ease the pain while rest gives the tendon time to heal. If possible cease taking Levaquin to avoid future issues.
Severe Cases
When Levaquin has caused a severe tendon injury, such as rupture, more aggressive interventions are required. Corticosteroid injections administered by your physician can provide pain relief and reduce inflammation. Surgery may be needed to repair torn tendons and physical therapy helps to restore range of motion and strength.
FDA Warnings
In 2008 the FDA mandated a black box warning be placed on all Levaquin packaging and educational materials. Reports from as late as 2009 indicate that some packaging did not comply with this mandate. If you suffered an injury from a Levaquin product that is not labeled you may be entitled to compensation.