Thera-Band Hand Exercises
Wrist Flex
The wrist flex exercise is performed by securing the Thera-Band under your foot. Grasp the other end of the band in your hand. Place your forearm on a table with your hand off the edge, palm facing up. Move the wrist in an upward motion, and slowly return to the starting position.
Wrist Extension
While sitting, place an end of the band under your foot. Grasp the other end with your hand. Rest your forearm on the table with your hand off the edge, palm down. Move your wrist in an upward motion; slowly return to the starting position.
Radial Deviation
With one end of the band under your foot, and your forearm resting on the table, hold the other end of the band with your thumb up. Move your hand in an upward direction, and back to the starting position. Repeat until you feel mild fatigue in your wrist.
Secure one end of the Thera-Band under you foot. Support your forearm on a table or arm of a chair. With palm down, grasp the band tightly. Rotate your hand so the palm is now facing upward; return to starting position. Continue for the recommended number of reps.
Secure one end of the band to your foot, and place your forearm on a table or arm of a chair. With palm facing upward, grasp the free end of the band tightly. Rotate your hand so the palm is now facing downward. Return to the starting position and repeat.
Ulnar Deviation
While sitting in a chair, secure both ends of the Thera-Band under both feet, creating a loop in the middle. With elbows at your sides, grasp the loop in the middle while keeping thumbs forward. Keep elbows at sides and move wrists backward, hold, return and repeat.