Post Operation Recovery for Hip Resurfacing
Hospital Stay
According to Smith & Nephew, the manufacturer of hip resurfacing devices, most hip resurfacing patients stay in the hospital four to six days after surgery.
Physical Therapy
Before leaving the hospital, a physical therapist teaches the patient how to safely transfer from a bed to a chair. Therapy sessions and home exercises continue for two to three months.
Sitting and Sleeping
The patient's knees should be lower than his hips while sitting. A chair cushion may be helpful. When sleeping, patients may sleep on either side, with a pillow between the knees.
Assisted Walking
A walker, cane or crutches are used for four to six weeks after surgery.
Restricted Movement
To lessen the risk of hip dislocation, patients should not bend at the waist more than 90 degrees for 10 to 12 weeks. Patients should not turn the affected leg inward or cross their legs.