How to Cycle With Quadricep Tendonitis
Things You'll Need
- Ice
- Towel
- Anti-inflammatory medication
- Knee brace
Visit your doctor to find out if you have tendonitis. You may have torn the tendon, or you may have a tear in your quadriceps. Follow the advice given, which will be based on the severity and cause of your tendonitis. If you are a biker, it is very likely that it was caused by biking too much or by an inappropriate bike fit.
Do not bike for as long as you can resist, as rest from what caused you to develop this problem in the first place is the most efficient and quickest treatment to heal it. However, if you must bike, make sure that you ice your knee immediately afterward for 20 minutes and keep it elevated. Never place ice directly against your skin but in a towel. Take an anti-inflammatory medication, such as ibuprofen or aspirin. You also want to wear a cloth or neoprene knee brace while biking.
Bring your bicycle to someone who knows how to fit it for you properly. According to Eric Moen, an "elite-level" coach through the United States Cycling Federation and director of physical therapy at PRO Sports Club Seattle, "The first thing I ask any patient complaining of bicycling-related pain is to bring the bicycle in to check for a proper fit. In most instances, a poor bike fit is at the root of the problem."
Ensure the fit of your bike yourself if you cannot visit a professional. The most important thing is balance between the joints. You want to avoid excessive flexion in your knees if you have quadriceps tendonitis. Address this issue by raising and moving the saddle back, and consider getting a bike with a larger frame.
Warm up and stretch a lot both before and after biking. Focus on your quadriceps and hamstrings. Check to see if you have a muscle imbalance. For example, are your quadriceps very well developed while your hamstrings are not? Train your hamstrings more to rectify this.