How to Interpret Dexa Results
Things You'll Need
- DEXA report
Your test results will have images of the scans taken and tables with numbers in them. Look below the images of the scans; that is where you will find the columns with your results.
Notice the first column has a heading of Region. This column tells you what part of the body was scanned.
The next column should have a heading of "BMD." That stands for bone mineral density. A score of +1.0 is good. A score of +1 to -1 shows normal bone mineral density. Any number below -1 to -2.5 shows osteopenia (low bone mass). A score of -2.5 or below shows osteoporosis.
The next column over will have a heading of "T score" or just "T." This is a measurement of your bone mineral density compared to someone in her 30s. A score of +1.0 is good. A score of +1 to -1 shows normal bone mineral density. Any number from -1 to -2.5 shows osteopenia. A score of -2.5 and below shows osteoporosis.
The column headed "Z score" or "Z" shows your bone mineral density compared to someone your own age. Again, a score of +1.0 is good. A score of +1 to -1 shows normal bone mineral density. Any number of -1 to -2.5 shows osteopenia. A score of -2.5 and below shows osteoporosis.
Talk to your doctor about your results. Only your doctor can tell you what steps to take to keep your bones healthy.