How To Stengthen An Achilles Tendon
Warm up the area with three to five minutes of moderate activity, preferably nonimpact activity, such as walking or using a stationery bike.
Find an open space against a wall and stand approximately 1 foot away facing the wall. Place both hands on the wall in front of you at shoulder height and transfer the weight to your left foot, allowing your right foot to step back behind you. Step far enough back with the right foot so you feel a stretch through the calf and the back of the leg as you press your right heel toward the ground.
Hold this position for no less than 30 seconds, then repeat on the left side.
Repeat this calf stretch one more time for each leg.
Still facing the wall, transfer the weight to your right leg, and slowly and gently raise up onto the ball of your right foot. Pause for a second, then gently and slowly come back down. Repeat this motion at least six times, using the wall for balance if necessary. Repeat this motion on the left leg.
Repeat this calf-raise exercise at least one more time for each leg.
Seat yourself comfortably on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you. Place your hands on top of your legs, then slowly slide your hands down toward your feet as far as you are able, while flexing your feet to pull your toes back toward your shins. Think of taking your chest--rather than your head--toward your knees.
Hold this stretch for no less than 30 seconds, then repeat.