Heel Pain Treatment Exercises

Heel pain can be a daily problem for many. Although the causes are as unique as each individual, there are several exercises to relieve the pain. Speak to your doctor before beginning these exercises, to ensure that you are strong enough to start exercising.
  1. The Arch Stretch

    • Using a rolled-up towel or a resistance band, loop it in half and place it at the ball of your foot. Pull the band or towel on either side toward you until your foot is in a fully flexed position. Repeat this four or five times several times a day to get a great stretch in your plantar fascia.

    Ball Roll

    • Sit down on a chair, and place a tennis ball under the arch of your foot. Then roll the ball forward and backward with your foot. This will stretch your plantar fascia as well and relieve some pain.

    The Pen Grab

    • Place a pen or pencil on the floor. Either standing up or sitting down, grab the it with your toe, and hold for 5 to 10 seconds. Release and repeat as many times as possible.

    Up on Your Toes

    • Using a chair or table for balance, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly rise to the tips of your toes. Hold for a count of 5. Repeat 10 to 15 times. For an extra stretch, roll onto your toes and bend your knees slightly so your arch is stretched further.


    • In an exercise similar to what ballerinas refer to as pliés, stand facing a wall, couch or chair for support. Place both hands on the object. Point one foot forward and the other pointed forward directly behind it so you are heel to toe. Bend your knees slightly (called a demi-plié), and hold for 5 to 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times, increasingly gradually as your strength increases.

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