What Is the Paraspinal Musculature of the Thoracic Spine?

The paraspinals is a collective name for the band of muscles next to the spine that support and move the spine. The paraspinal musculature of the thoracic spine consists of five sets of muscles.
  1. Definitions

    • Vertebrae are the bones of the spine. The spinous process is the pointy protrusion on the back of a vertebra that you can feel when you touch the back of your spine. The transverse processes are the bony extensions on each side of a vertebra.

    Longissimus Thoracis

    • The Longissimus Thoracis muscles connect the transverse processes of adjacent vertebrae. These muscles help extend and laterally flex (bend to the side) the vertebral column and help rotate the ribs.

    Iliocostalis Thoracis

    • The lliocostalis Thoracis are small muscles that connect the ribs. These muscles also help extend and laterally flex the vertebral column and help rotate the ribs.

    Spinalis Thoracis

    • The Spinalis Thoracis are muscles that connect the spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae. These muscles held extend (bend backward) the vertebral column.

    Semispinalis Thoracis

    • The Semispinalis Thoracis connect the spinous process of one vertebra to the transverse processes of an adjacent vertebra. These muscles extend and rotate the vertebral column.

    Rotatores Thoracis

    • The Rotatores Thoracis come in two types. The short rotatores connect from the spinous process of one vertebra to the transverse processes of an adjacent vertebra. The long rotatores connect from the spinous process of one vertebra to the transverse processes of the vertebra two away. These muscles extend and rotate the vertebral column.

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