Metabolic Bone Diseases in Children
Children's metabolic bone diseases include rickets, renal osteodystrophy, Fanconi syndrome, osteomalacia, hypophosphatasia, McCune-Albright syndrome and osteogenesis imperfecta.
The breakdown of bone tissue results in soft bones that break easily. Deformities may occur as the result of abnormal growth. Children with metabolic bone diseases like rickets often have dental defects, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Blood tests determine abnormal levels of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D, which play a role in bone development. Bone x-rays identify weak or soft bones. Prenatal tests reveal genetic defects such as osteogenesis imperfecta, McCune-Albright syndrome and hypophosphatasia.
Orthopedic braces or surgery can correct bone deformities caused by these conditions. Bone diseases caused by nutritional deficiencies improve with vitamin D and calcium treatment. Renal osteodystrophy and Fanconi syndrome, which relate to kidney dysfunction, improve if the underlying kidney condition is treated.
You can prevent the nutrition-deficiency disease rickets by giving your child foods rich in vitamin D. Proper management of renal disease can prevent or delay the development of Fanconi syndrome and renal osteodystrophy. There is no way to prevent inherited forms of metabolic bone disease.