Wrist Tendonitis Recovery
To recover from wrist tendonitis, rest your wrist until the inflammation and swelling subside. During this time, wear a brace to help prevent further injury to your wrist.
Types of Treatment
Ice is often used to treat wrist tendonitis by reducing inflammation and pain. Ice should be used for 20 to 30 minutes every three or four hours during the first 48 hours, according to University of Buffalo Sports Medicine.
Other Types of Treatment
Anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen or naproxen can be highly effective in helping you recover from wrist tendonitis. These medications can be taken every four to six hours if needed.
Effects of Exercise
When the initial inflammation goes down, stretching and strength-building exercises can be performed to expedite the recovery period from wrist tendonitis.
Time Frame
Wrist tendonitis can take several weeks or months to overcome. Your recovery is highly contingent upon age, treatments and the severity of the injury.