Supplements for Involuntary Muscle Contractions
A person with Involuntary muscle contractions may be suffering from dehydration. If this is the case, that individual must replenish electrolytes in their body like potassium, which is available in pill or liquid form.
Types of Supplements
Someone with involuntary muscle contractions, especially at night, may not be getting enough magnesium in his diet. He should typically consume two milligrams of calcium for each milligram of magnesium. He should try to take 1,000 milligrams of calcium and 500 milligrams of magnesium per day.
Other Types of Supplements
If poor circulation is causing a person's involuntary muscle contractions, vitamin E may help dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow to the muscles. Ginko biloba is another supplement that promotes blood flow, according to
Effects of Creatine
Creatine is known to reduce involuntary cramps in muscles. In a 2002 study at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Taiwain, a study where 10 patients with muscle cramps were split into two separate groups, one a control group and the other a test group. The test group received 12 milligrams of creatine monohydrate, while the control group took a placebo. The frequency of cramps in the test group decreased by 60 percent while the control group saw no improvement in muscle cramps.
Vitamin C, lecithin and protein supplements may also help alleviate involuntary muscle cramps.