How to Tape the Quadriceps for Tendonitis
Things You'll Need
- 1.5-inch nonstretchable zine oxide tape
- 2-inch nonstretchable zinc oxide tape
- Scissors
- Foam underwrap
- 2-inch elastic bandage
- 6-inch nonadhesive elastic crepe bandage
How To Tape Your Quadriceps
Place a 1.5-inch roll of nonstretchable tape on the floor. Place the heel of your foot on top of the roll of tape so that your leg is slightly bent. Cut two strips of the 2-inch nonstretchable tape so that each segment is long enough to stretch from your knee to slightly above the middle of your thigh. Press the tape down on both sides of your affected knee as two anchors.
Place the foam underwrap against your thigh several inches above the knee. Secure it with the 2-inch elastic bandage. Next, flex your thigh slightly and keep it flexed throughout the entire taping session. Take the 1.5-inch nonstretchable tape and unroll a portion of it. Secure the first section of tape on the 2-inch anchor tape, slightly below the injured area on the inside of your thigh. Run the tape across your thigh at a 45 degree angle. Cut the tape with the scissors, then secure it against the 2-inch anchor tape on the outside of your thigh. Next, unroll a piece of 1.5-inch tape and attach it to the 2-inch anchor tape on the outside of your thigh, slightly below the affected area. Run the 1.5-inch tape across your thigh and the other piece of 1.5-inch tape at 45 degrees in an X pattern. Cut the 1.5-inch tape and attach it to the 2-inch anchor tape that is located on the inside of your thigh.
Continue to cut and stick pieces of the 1.5-inch nonstretchable tape up your thigh, alternating each piece by crisscrossing over each one in an X pattern. Each time your run a 1.5-inch piece of tape from the inside anchor to the outside anchor, overlap the preceding piece of tape by about a half inch. Overlap the 1.5-inch tape in the same manner when you are running the 1.5-inch tape from the outside of your thigh to the inside.
Enclose all of the tape inside the 6-inch nonadhesive elastic crepe bandage.