Definition of Metatarsalgia
The American College of Foot and Ankle Orthopedics and Medicine states that arthritis and gout contribute to metatarsalgia due to pain occuring in the person's foot. Obesity contributes to metatarsalgia, as increased weight places pressure on an individual's forefoot. In addition, bunions can lead to metatarsalgia, as weakness in the big toe causes stress on the foot.
Doctors will examine a patient's foot or perform an x-ray to determine if a person has metatarsalgia.
The Mayo Clinic recommends that individuals with metatarsalgia apply ice on the affected foot region throughout the day at 20-minute intervals. A person should rest to avoid further foot injury and can also take over-the-counter pain relievers such as aspirin to lessen the pain.
A person can prevent metatarsalgia by wearing properly fitting shoes and maintaining a healthy weight.
Run The Planet notes that running with an injured metatarsal bone can cause a stress fracture.