What Kind of Nerve Damage Can You Get From Lifting Weights?
Weightlifting places more stress on the bones and muscles than most other activities. Consequently, one can injure a nerve by lifting too much weight, training too frequently or performing a maneuver improperly. These injuries can take months to heal.
Types of Nerve Damage
When a person performs squats, there is the possibility they can sustain a herniated disc in their neck or lower back. Herniated discs in the neck can pinch or compress nerves that control arm and hand reflexes. Herniated discs in the lower back can spur sciatic nerve damage, which typically causes radiating pain down the buttocks and legs to the feet. Nerve damage from hernias is another potential injury.
Other Types of Nerve Damage
Shoulder impingement from rotator cuff tendinitis can pinch shoulder nerves, causing pain and numbness that shoots down the arms. This type of injury can be caused by doing military presses and various shoulder workouts over many years. Moreover, overuse of the elbow for triceps and chest training can cause ulnar nerve problems.
It is always best to maintain proper form and build strength gradually. This will better help support joints and areas vulnerable to injury.
Never lift weights that are too heavy, as this can increase your chances of sustaining serious injuries and nerve damage.