The Most Prescribed Treatment for Bursitis
When a person develops bursitis, rest is of the utmost importance. This will keep the inflammation from getting worse and becoming infected. Joint braces can be used to immobilize the specific joint and prevent sudden movements.
Types of Treatments
Anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen and naproxen can reduce bursitis inflammation and pain. A doctor may also prescribe an antibiotic if there is an infection in the bursa sac.
Other Types of Treatments
Ice is frequently prescribed as part of most treatments. Ice reduces inflammation by restricting the flow of blood, which is the primary contributor to early swelling and severe pain. Once the initial pain and swelling are reduced, heat can increase blood flow, carrying oxygen and nutrients to the injured area for healing.
Effects of Exercise
Exercise is a highly prescribed part of the bursitis recovery process. Exercise also promotes blood flow. Moreover, it increases the flexibility and strength in muscles and tendons, which helps to better stabilize the joint.
Time Frame
There is no set time frame for recovering from bursitis. Employing a prescribed combination of treatments is the fastest way to recover.